“…finally have a new relationship with past traumas that years of talk therapy hadn’t unblocked”

I’m a bodyworker and somatic therapy practitioner with an extensive background in issues of sexuality and trauma. My practice is based in Sausalito, California where I work with adults, both individually and as couples. My training in Somatic Experiencing continues to shape the way in which I work - bringing awareness and working with the body’s response to our experiences. In addition through the use of  both time tested, and innovative techniques, I help my clients release deep-seated patterns, reconnect with their bodies, and cultivate a harmonious balance between their physical, emotional, and sexual well-being. This process empowers them to address past trauma, embrace their authentic selves and find joy and fulfillment in life.

My goal is always to be with “what is” and help my clients to strengthen their ability for acceptance, self-compassion, curiosity and growth. When we feel stuck or blocked or overwhelmed, it is often necessary to have another human there with us to support us, reflect our experience, and challenge us to approach ourselves with fresh eyes.

Education & Professional Training:

-Somatic Experiencing


-McKinnon Institute



-Explosive Sexual Healing

-Integral Yoga

-Aum Tantra

-Bentley University

Continuing Professional & Personal Education:

Breathwork- Dan Brule, O2 Collective, Michael Brian Baker

Sacred Plant & Animal- Tobacco Dieta, Traditional Kambo & Bufo, Ceremonial Ayahuasca

Yoga- Sivananda, Bikram, Integral, Agama, Hridaya

Meditation- TM, Self-Realization, Vipassana, Hridaya, Kaya Kalpa

Bodywork- Shiatsu & Ashiatsu, Positional Release & Deep Tissue, Reiki 1&2

Sacred Stone Work Therapies

Contact me here.