What Clients Are Saying About Working With Me:

“I had never done somatic body work, nor was I even familiar with it. But a series of intensive sessions with Eduardo allowed me to finally have a new relationship with past traumas that years of talk therapy hadn’t unblocked. I’m deeply grateful to Eduardo for his role in my healing, and I strongly recommend working with him.”

-Lee, Marin County

I stumbled upon Eduardo through an incredibly lucky strike of serendipity - I was actually looking for a massage therapist to help me with my “tech neck”...and back, and shoulders, really my whole-body tension from my workaholic, chained-to-my-laptop existence. I read through his page and it sounded too good to be true - I couldn’t believe someone actually did this kind of thing, and if this therapy did exist, why hadn’t I heard of it. I checked almost every box in Eduardo’s “here are some situations in which I can help” list. I’m a pretty anxious person, I have some trouble trusting others (particularly intimate partners), I find it challenging to recognize and express my feelings (especially negative ones; “are you ok?” “yes of course, I’m great, everything is great, why wouldn’t it be great? Everything is SO great!”), I avoid conflict like covid before vaccines, and boundaries? What are boundaries? Are those like rules some people have to avoid experiencing things they don’t like?

So to put it mildly Eduardo’s site sparked my interest: I re-read the site twice, checked Eduardo’s picture again and reminded myself that anyone with such a warm smile can’t be that scary, and I submitted the interest form. Eduardo got back to me within a day or so with an introductory call and follow up questionnaire before the first session. Throughout the whole intake process, Eduardo demonstrated excellent communication, complete professionalism, and thoughtfulness way beyond what I was expecting. He takes his work and clients very seriously, and invests the time in getting to know a potential client, their goals, explaining the practice, and determining together if it’s a fit. I’ll admit despite how impressed and reassured I was by our introductory call and the thorough questionnaire, I was still nervous: I’m not a spiritual person and maybe I’m not “spiritual-enough” for the practice? Maybe I’ll frustrate Eduardo with my inability to relax and / or communicate? Maybe I’m just going to re-traumatize myself by signing up to work so intimately with some therapist I found online? 

My fears couldn’t have been more unnecessary or further from my actual experience working with Eduardo. From the first 5 minutes in his company, I knew I had just met a truly special human being - a good person, through and through from the bedrock of his character ; a kind, compassionate and astoundingly wise person who actively listens and has a seemingly inexhaustible well of warmth, patience, compassion, intuition, and skill to draw upon in his work with clients. 

Eduardo is like a first-rate psychoanalyst and world-class massage therapist combined, creating a therapist who can help clients heal and grow emotionally through physical, holistic experience. He creates a safe space, a space of unconditional acceptance and care, which he holds for his client. He actively listens and inquires, thoughtfully and intuitively guiding the practice - through his mastery of bodywork and his interpersonal skills, Eduardo’s therapy doesn’t leave the body behind, it paces a client’s physical, real, experience front and center, and creates opportunities to integrate positive physical and emotional experiences. This is an incredibly powerful technique which I’ve found to be astoundingly effective. 

I’ve had a bit of time to ponder why on earth this has helped me so much, and it’s just my pet theory at the moment, but in case it’s helpful, I think of my work with Eduardo as re-setting “muscle memory” which isn’t serving me well. Any athletic coach will tell you it’s easier to train someone who has never done a movement before, and is therefore something like a “blank slate”, than it is to train someone who has built-in defaults due to having muscle memory from another sport or someone who has bad habits (like striking the foot when running in a sub-optimal position) which are now unconscious through long practice. I think sometimes our bad experiences in life leave us with negative “muscle memory” or unconscious behaviors, thought patterns, and reactions.. The word “re-patterning” is well chosen, because that’s exactly what it feels like - experiencing something new, something different (and better), in order to replace that old, negative “muscle memory” with a new, intentionally defined one which serves us better. 

Because of my work with Eduardo, for the first time in my life, I know what it feels like to be physically and emotionally completely safe and accepted by another person. And for the first time in my life, I am able to accept and trust that I can be cared for, without my having to “earn it” and without it coming with strings attached or conditions. This is life changing. I am calmer, my anxiety less frequently arising and less intense when it does. I feel more grounded in myself, in my body as well as my mind. My colleagues have been saying things like, “How are you so zen? I want to be like that.” For the first time in a decade, I am able to just sit in silence and feel at peace, without feeling the need to distract myself or do something to be productive or to take my mind off of just being. 

I have a fear of flying - I fly a lot (and used to fly weekly for work), I’m just constantly on the verge of a panic attack when in the air. Last month I flew on a plane and not only wasn’t afraid, but actually enjoyed it. I’m not over my fear of planes - 8/10 times I’m still gripping the chair for dear life and trying to focus on breathing exercises - but I now know what it feels like to not be afraid, and I have hope that I can feel that way more and more. I am more aware of my feelings, and I accept them more and judge myself less for the negative ones - which is as liberating as it sounds. 

I learned how physical movement is an expression - or outlet - for emotions and their energy. I can care for my body better, and I react to stress more frequently with movement - walking, stretching, running, breathing, instead of critiquing myself, pushing down the feeling or bottling it up or ignoring it, and tensing up in an endless cycle. I don’t push myself into kale-smoothie diets and crossfit bootcamps in a flare of self-hatred and frustration anymore. 

I’m not there yet, but I can see a path or road ahead built out of self-awareness, self-acceptance, kindness, trust, caring and being cared for, and feeling good. And my ability to see it is in no small part due to this amazing man who decided to devote his career to helping people like me, and all of the time he patiently spent guiding me by the hand towards that road. 

-Cristina M, San Francisco

“I originally found myself at Eduardo’s doorstep because of disfunction I was experiencing in my marriage and in my sex life. I had no idea what kind of journey to expect other than what I learned in an introductory phone call about what would happen at a first session. I didn’t expect a quick fix, and honestly, I didn’t even truly know what I was fixing. I just knew I needed change in the life I was leading, which included getting more in touch with myself and my body. I had been living my life with a glass half-empty attitude that I really wanted to break free of. As the weeks progressed and I gave myself to the process, I was able to get in touch with the parts of myself that I had lost over time due to trauma, loss, demands of parenting, fear of failure, and just plain inertia.

Week after week, I was able to access more and more memories, experiences, and feelings I had forgotten or become numb to in my day to day life. And week after week, things that I had lost enjoyment in, I re-discovered and re-invented for myself. I learned to trust and pay attention to my body and soul again. The work I did with Eduardo wasn’t a panacea for all of my problems, but the work I did with him helped re-ignite a part of me that had forgotten. Working with him helped open up my mind to possibilities and I opened myself up to all sorts of practices, ideas, and experiences which cause a ripple effect in all parts of my life.

Being willing to open myself up to the work not only helped heal my marriage and my sexual functioning, but it created a vibe that permeated through all parts of my life. I found that the time I spent in his small room in Sausalito was much more than the exercises and work with sensory awareness. With the help of the many lessons I learned, I noticed a synergy emerge that raised up all of the other practices and therapies I was simultaneously pursuing in my life. I carried myself with a new confidence and my friends noticed a new lightness and a freeness in me. I attracted new people into my life and found myself looking for the next adventure. When I think about my work with Eduardo, it was definitely a perfect example of ‘the journey being the destination’ and weeks after our time together came to an end, I know that work was just the beginning of my self-discovery. I entered week one with my glass half-empty, and left the final week with my cup not only half-full, but overflowing with an abundance and inspiration to keep exploring with joy!”

-Laura C, CA

“Eduardo came highly recommended by my trusted therapist/mentor.  I felt stuck in a couple areas of my life - particularly in my longtime romantic partnership - and was ready to move away from unhelpful patterns.  

I did a series of five individual sessions, plus one session with my partner (who was also working with Eduardo individually).  Each session was a unique experience, illuminating different aspects of myself and showing me where I was getting in my own way (in life).  The work is intense and challenging on many levels, yet was always worth it.  After sessions, I felt lighter, more alive, and could sense energy flowing with greater ease.  I also noticed I felt safer in my body and more open in my heart.  

I gained clarity around what wasn’t working in my relationship and how my own patterns and behaviors weren’t serving.  My partnership has changed dramatically as a result.  In the weeks since my final session, I’ve also noticed a shift in how I’m showing up in the world - with more confidence and clarity around who I am, what I desire, and what I am here to do…paired with greater ease around expressing all of it!

Eduardo is a gifted energy worker and somatic practitioner, and a warm, authentic human being.  I’m very grateful for the way he held space and empowered me to expand into a more vibrant version of myself, and wholeheartedly recommend working with him.”

-Kate Miller, Half Moon Bay CA

“It took me a while to write this testimonial, something inside me told me to wait until I was able to embody fully what we worked together in our sessions.

I was already looking for Eduardo, I knew that after working for many years with amazing female healers my process required healthy masculine energíes. One of my main teachers highly recomended Eduardo, he was travelling to México so everything aligned perfectly for us to meet. Since I met him for our first session I knew that huge changes would be on my way. The depth of the questions he made previous to my first session made me feel safe, undestood and I immediately knew how important my needs were for him and set a very professional context that he completely kept through all our process.

The day of our first session came, the way he guides this work is impeccable, this is an intimate space in which Eduardo makes sure you are comfortable every single step of the way. His work was extremely powerful and grounded. His energy is extremely healing and powerful. I have studied and practiced Tantra  for a very long time, yet I have never experienced something similar. I had never felt this safe and this made a huge difference. After our practice I understood I have been deeply transformed. 

I have always struggled attracting available men into my life, not only as couples but in general. I used to think that I had to work on my feminine to change this. With Eduardo I understood that I was not being able to attract a healthy masculine because I have never experienced this healthiness before. My system did not know what I was looking for!  For me this was the most powerful transmission from Eduardo, allowing me to experience a healthy masculine, a present, loving and caring masculine that allows me to express myself in my complete power, including my vulnerability. Now I knew how my relationships should feel and I could completely embody who I wanted to be in life. The powerful me that knows how to surrender and let go of control, only in presence of a healthy masculine.

Six months later I was living in a different city, enjoying myself and dating again after two years of resistance. I had an amazing date with a beautiful man. His energy felt safe, the same way I felt in my session with Eduardo. None of my previuos dates felt this way, I just knew this was right for me. I was ready for this healthy relationship, no red flags, no guessing, no anxiety. Him choosing me clearly, openly and willing to build a life together.  

Today im writing this from a boat anchored in French Polynesia, my boyfriend and I are sailing together around the world in an amazing adventure beyond my wildest dreams.  What this work meant for me is beyond my words and understanding. Thank you Eduardo for your energy, your work and your transmition. This world certainly needs more masculine healers and teachers  like you.” 

-Mayda, Mexico

“It is difficult to fully describe how impactful my work with Eduardo has been. Every session took me on to a new journey into my subconscious being, enabling room to explore, process and let go. It feels like I was given a chance to write a new story to the hidden truths that are locked deep in the body.

For me, I got to rediscovered my masculine aliveness in a way that I didn’t know was there. I was able to connect with my pure masculine energy. The change it has brought in my relationship with my wife is frankly surreal.

Highly recommend to all men seeking to deepen their life experience.”

-Andy, San Francisco Bay Area

“I met Eduardo while attending a retreat in Mexico. He offered his expertise at a time when I was doing other healing work so I decided to see if he would be of some benefit. After our introductory appointment, I knew he would. His work wasn't easy since he targeted areas of physical and emotional blockages, some in place for a lifetime. As our work progressed, he challenged me back into my body and all its forms of expression. At times, when he recognized I was reverting to old patterns, he would hold me accountable and continue to challenge my growth.

As best I know, Eduardo's therapy and techniques are not mainstream or widely practiced in America. I suspect he's received some pushback from traditional therapeutic practitioners but after working with him, I recognize this is a niche greatly lacking for those undergoing healing from sexual trauma and abuse. Prior to meeting him, I participated in years of cognitive behavioral therapy and was quite confident I had healed immeasurably. Perhaps I had. Working with Eduardo showed me my mind had been healing but my body was still living as one that had been traumatized. I am now much more confident that I live more fully in my body and enjoy its endless varieties of expression. I have also become more empowered to honor my personal boundaries and desires.

I will forever appreciate my time with Eduardo and the healing he helped to facilitate. He's enabled me to reconnect with parts of myself I hadn't even understood I had lost.”
-Cindy W, OR

“On my intake call I didn’t ask any questions. I wanted to show up without any expectations. WOW!!!! I had no idea this would be like an intense therapy session. So amazing!!! I didn’t realize I had anger, sadness, and frustration in my body that had to be released so I can allow room for pleasure. I highly recommend sessions with Eduardo. He’s great at making you feel comfortable in such a vulnerable stage.”

-Nayri G, Utah



“Before SSR, I suppressed my feelings and was not comfortable expressing my emotions. I had been depressed for a long time, and also believed I was sexually broken. When I started SSR, I was still undergoing breast reconstruction, following a mastectomy, and my relationship had just ended. I was angry and felt hopeless. I didn’t go to Eduardo expecting miracles. At best, I thought I might discover the reasons for my low libido, which had contributed to my marriage breakdown.
However, what I got from SSR was so much more than I could have imagined. The work I did with Eduardo had a positive, and lasting impact on every part of my life. He gave me tools and techniques which still help me cope with whatever comes my way. He opened my eyes to a whole new way of being and, for the first time in my life, I began to feel confident and comfortable being me. I am the happiest I have ever been and all my relationships and interactions have improved.



SSR has also enabled me to tune in to my sorely neglected needs and desires. At 51 years, I am finally finding my passions and discovering new interests……Quite unexpectedly, the work I did with Eduardo benefited my health and appearance too (the photos show me 1 year before SSR and 1 year after). SSR removed the guilt I had previously felt about prioritizing my own needs and taught me the importance of self love. The physiological impact has been profound. One month into SSR, my chronically high blood pressure (which had not improved with years of medication) had normalized and my BP remains healthy to this day.
I can honestly say, I have never experienced anything more life enhancing than SSR. A year and a half on, I am still discovering new benefits everyday, and I am filled with gratitude for the love, joy and peace it has brought into my life.” -RP,CA

“I am beyond grateful that I found Eduardo. He is a warm, intuitive person who truly cares about your healing—that comes across the moment you speak with him. He holds space for you and helps you to work through blocks and patterns that are not aligned with you. This was the most important personal work that I have ever done, and I know that I would not be where I am at this moment without this very healing work. I am forever grateful to Eduardo—his compassion, kindness and understanding.”

- Valerie C, CA

”I've been wanting to reach out to you for a few weeks, mainly to say Thank You. Your work was a pivotal step in my healing journey; deep and powerful in experience, and unyielding in its message. The shifts in my internal and external worlds are beyond reckoning. I have begun to authentically heal. I have moved from victim to survivor and am walking towards being a person that has had certain experiences. Thank You for your brave and bold work in the world. You and your work have changed my life, the lives of my children, my husband, all those that have come before me and all those who are to come after me. Thank You. I sound dramatic because it is dramatic. Take good care.” - Ellie, VA

Eduardo's energy is clear, conscious and safe. The work and healing that I experienced was so much wider and deeper than words can explain.” - Ellie D, Virginia

“The session I had with Eduardo escalated my ability to connect on a deeper level with my feminine self. The awakening continues and I feel more at home in my body than I ever have in my life!” - Anonymous, Female, SW Virginia

"The work with Eduardo was powerful and I'm very grateful for the insights that I gained as a result of this work. To be able to open up and talk about my sexuality  and have an open and honest conversation with my partner about it is something I always avoided and felt some shame and guilt discussing my needs and desires. This work enabled me to tap into my own power and energy and express these needs unapologetically, and to build more intimacy in my relationship.” - RB, Gay male, San Francisco

"It was a powerful life-changing experience. The process was intense and involved a HUGE amount of trust and faith in Eduardo. He was incredibly respectful and extremely professional in every area and aspect of this work. The whole experience left me feeling so nurtured and safe. I have recommended this to friends and will continue to do so. It is my hope that people will be able to see past the social taboos to allow them to try this soul healing experience."Heidi, Virginia

“The world has waited long enough for healers like Eduardo to step up to this so natural and so badly needed therapeutic work, and I recommend not waiting a minute longer to find this healing, both for ourselves and NO less importantly, for our society."

 - Sharon, Massachusetts

"After 10 years of celibacy I was ready to open the sexual part of myself, but years of dating hadn't led to any meaningful connections, and although I wanted to begin exploring my sensual side again, I wasn't manifesting a connection with anyone that felt right. Working with Eduardo shifted everything. He has a powerful, grounded presence that felt very safe. Our entire interaction was held with integrity, clear communication, and his unique responsiveness. During my session, Eduardo treated me with dignity, compassion and genuine caring, and he offered me some powerful tools to use on my own. I came away from our work together feeling empowered, grounded, and much more in tune with my authentic voice. Within two weeks of connecting with Eduardo, I began a romantic connection with someone special, and everything Eduardo shared with me has been useful as I open and deepen with this person. Eduardo is a gifted healer and I feel blessed that we connected and that he sparked so much growth in my life. I recommend him whole-heartedly. He has been an important catalyst in my sexual awakening." - TW, Marin

Read more testimonials.

Read my Yelp reviews.

“If you are wanting more than change... if what you’re looking for is TRANSFORMATION please go see Eduardo! In 2015 I was in a loveless marriage, overweight, depressed and not knowing what to do. I started doing healing work with Eduardo who held space for me in a professional , kind gentle way. With his expertise and support I was able to at last heal some deeply held wounds around my sexuality and femininity. I always felt safe and comfortable in his presence . He is a real healer through and through.


“If you are wanting more than change... if what you’re looking for is TRANSFORMATION please go see Eduardo! In 2015 I was in a loveless marriage, overweight, depressed and not knowing what to do. I started doing healing work with Eduardo who held space for me in a professional , kind gentle way. With his expertise and support I was able to at last heal some deeply held wounds around my sexuality and femininity. I always felt safe and comfortable in his presence . He is a real healer through and through.



Within the first months of my healing work with him , I lost 11 pounds, doubled my income and found the courage to leave my marriage. I’ve never looked back! I am now 54 and living the life of my dreams , the one I thought was lost to me. Thank you Eduardo for being the amazing human you are with your amazing heart that brings so much more to the table than just your training.” MH,CA