“Working with Eduardo has been one of the most intense and revealing body/mind experiences I’ve ever had.  Placating the mind and letting the body take over was not easy, particularly for someone like me who is always intellectualizing and trying to explain things. But once I let myself go, I was able to experience my body in new ways, making it clear that my emotional being is located physically throughout my body not just in my head. The experience can be scary at times, but Eduardo is so attuned and so trustworthy that you feel the whole time that you are in a safe space and in good hands. He will make you take a journey into your own sexuality not so much for the thrill of sexual gratification, as much as for finding in it the path towards your inner self and the discovery that comes with it. Eduardo is very approachable and non-judgmental, which makes it easy to ask for guidance throughout the session.  One of my most significant findings was how difficult it is for me to ask for pleasure. I wasn’t aware of that and how important that is until I worked with Eduardo.  I had to learn a whole new vocabulary. Eduardo, I can’t thank you enough for the gift you gave me.” 

- Rodrigo, San Francisco

"Upon reading the phrase "Somatic Sexual Repatterning," I was immediately skeptical, especially as a young gay male. Was this a form of therapy to quell my homosexuality? Was this just another silly mechanism of turning my curves and swirls into stringent straight lines? Despite my doubtful thoughts, I found myself up late at night sifting through Google, trying to wrap my head around what exactly it is that Eduardo does. Was it gimmicky? Was it a series of sophisticated code words masking a form of sexual taboo sexual services? I found my answers "No" for the former, and for the latter: "Not quite." Somatic Sexual Repatterning digs deeper into one's mind, body, and spirit. To call it a form of therapy would be mundane. Instead, Eduardo's work combines the very essence of the human senses to provide a set of experiences that makes one feel alive in the truest sense. Eduardo's techniques rely on establishing trust through steady eye contact, light coming together of his hands and yours, and focusing on the breath - the core life forces within us.  His touch is initially light and delicate, but don't be fooled: he strives to dig deeper into the many knots twisted within your body, and unearth the many troubles, whether they be physical, emotional, or psychological, hidden within the cracks of your body. He asks you to kick and scream, moan and sigh, shedding you of your inhibitions, doubts, worries... Although it may seem silly and rather baring to unabashedly beat at the massage table, scream at the top of your lungs, his techniques cleverly extract pent up emotions and senses of uneasiness closed up within the mind and body; coming out of it's pores and lingering in the air of the room, before dissipating away, relieving the body of it's unassuming weight. The end result of this was utterly exhausting, and yet immensely liberating -- Waves upon waves of relief from the stressors and worries that weigh me down, all dealt with in a room built from the bricks of trust, safety, compassion, respect, and understanding." - Gay, Male, Texas

“Hey Eduardo, I hope you are well. I just got out of my Kundalini teacher training and I thought of you so much today. I was able to be so present and in my body throughout the training thanks to the experience I had with you. I just wanted to say thank you again.” - Vanessa, San Diego

"Eduardo is doing important, meaningful work that benefits people's lives in so many ways. I experienced new awareness and healing in a safe environment.  I saw through my own body the ways in which I was showing up in my life that don't serve me, and, can take years of talk therapy to figure out.  I would recommend Eduardo to anyone who is interested in making breakthroughs on their healing journey and connecting more congruently to their true essence." - Female, Marin County

"My partner and I felt comfortable and safe with Eduardo throughout our session. We saw him for a Yoni Massage training. I had been a bit nervous about how I would react to this emotionally. Eduardo addressed this for both of us, and his authentic care for the process got us relaxed. As we went through the training, I was in awe of how slowly and mindfully Eduardo was able to be with my partner and in teaching me how to touch her. It is clear to me that Eduardo has a deep commitment to healing and expanding what's possible for people with their sexuality, and how it can create freedom in all areas of their lives. I recommend his services whenever the topic comes up, and that's pretty often in these days when repression of the feminine is finally being cast aside!" 

Matt W., Male,  San Francisco

"Eduardo is a wonderful and caring person to be doing this amazing work.  I had the awesome experience of working with him last summer.  He begins the session with listening to you in a very caring and attentive way, and he pays close attention to the details that you share with him. He is confidential and know that you can fully put your trust in him.   He helps you to understand what the experience is like, its purpose, and he also allows you to be fully in control over your own experience. It takes you away and also can bring up things that will surprise you…..there is an intensity to this work, both physically and emotionally.  It was freeing, healing and refreshing.  You could not ask for a better person to work with than Eduardo.  I would highly recommend him and the amazing work he does!!"Terri, Massachusetts 

"Eduardo- ... so grateful that our paths crossed.  I wanted you to know that something about our connection has started healing something deep inside me that I had forgotten was wounded... your gentleness, kindness, present-ness, openness, and huggy-ness has allowed me to remember that not all straight men will hurt women in either emotional or physical ways.  You are an intensely sweet soul and your healing nature has touched me deeply. Thank you for all the amazing...Keep doing the work that comes from your heart. You have a true gift of healing."Danielle Mcurrier, Virginia

"I'm so grateful for the many layers of release in my emotional holding and for the opening within my sexual being. It's been a whole new world intimately speaking. Since I've been home I'm aware of some other layers and patterning that has surfaced. I'm hoping to return to SF in the near future to continue this work as it's the most transformative healing I have ever experienced. Thank you for your commitment to this deep work."Ashley Jones, Hawaii

"The most effective, empowering and healing part of experiencing Eduardo's work, was practicing and being supported to say when and how I wanted to be touched. Fully owning "calling the shots" with my own body, pleasure and displeasure. Also becoming aware of the discrepancy about what I said I was experiencing and how I was expressing that through my body.  Having the opportunity to match those experiences up more succinctly so that they truly felt congruent and honest was powerful. And lastly being touched without any expectation of having to give back was a pretty new experience for me and was deeply moving and healing. Thank you Eduardo."Christina, Martha's Vineyard

"This is such a transformative experience for which words are almost unavailable to express my gratitude and excitement. It has opened doors within myself and allowed me a space to safely release and air out those hidden/repressed thoughts and emotions without fear of judgment or shame. I know that I still have a long journey ahead of me but having found support, guidance, and tools with SSR it feels so much less daunting. Eduardo is completely professional and incredibly patient and I was blown away by his kindness and focus toward my healing. It surprised me to realize how comforting it was to have someone there for the emotional release portions of the session. To hear and feel constant support was so nurturing and allowed me to believe that healing truly was possible, that the weight could be lifted. I would recommend this to everyone who is looking to heal and understand themselves. The results are profound." - Female, Virginia

"I was lucky to meet Eduardo first during a regular massage, where I simply wanted a safe space to let go and relax. Very quickly, it became clear how comfortable I felt with Eduardo and how easily he was able to help me let my emotions “come up.” From the beginning, he was perceptive, intuitive, and present, all of which helped me feel safe and supported. Moving forward, as I began the SSR work, I continued to feel like I was in a very safe space. I was surprised by some of the issues and feelings that came up—many were stored deep inside and had been buried for quite a long time. And, while it was challenging and, at times, unsettling to face these issues, I never doubted that this was exactly what I needed to be doing at this point in my life. Through this work, I felt like I was able to see things more clearly and recognize my issues for what they really were. All of this has led me to a new awareness of myself, allowing me to speak my truth more clearly, trust more deeply, and let go of the things that no longer serve me so that I can be open to receive those that do. It feels so good to have let go of the thoughts and feelings that had weighed me down for so long. I feel like I am now attracting healthier relationships, as I draw clear boundaries around what I don’t want and what I do. I am so grateful to have had the chance to do this work, and to have gone through it all with someone as kind, compassionate, and caring as Eduardo." - TP, Female, San Francisco

"My experiences with Eduardo have been nothing short of miraculous. The experience allowed me to access deeper layers of my emotions and healing. The session was at times incredibly relaxing and other times a bit more intense, but consistently profound. Throughout the session I was able to get in touch with my power, my worth, my confidence, and my connection to the divine. I felt a deep sense of spiritual fulfillment.  Two days after...I had a very challenging experience in my work and noticed my ability to approach and facilitate the experience was beyond anything I'd known myself to be able to do before. I'm convinced the…contributed to these new abilities."KZ, Female, San Diego

"... My session with you was nothing short of AMAZING- Thank you!  I am so grateful to you and the others who are brave and clear enough to venture into this field-it's so very important and exactly what is needed to heal...My feminine nature felt very honored in the space. I picked up on your sensitivity and tactfulness immediately and it put me at ease. I liked the way you talked to my husband and I could see that he trusted you immediately, which in turn, made me feel very secure. I just let myself relax into the support that was being offered and it felt really good to do that!  I really didn't feel too self conscious, which was a bit surprising… so that is definitely a credit to you. I found the experience to be an unusual combination of erotic and pure, two things that my mind doesn't want to mix together. That's what I felt was so wondrous about the experience. You've honed your skills well and my body was immediately inviting to your touch, then enjoying it…  I felt you engaged on a deep level and that was very satisfying to me. ...I greatly appreciated the non-judgmental container... I had a clear insight into a few of the locations that anchor particular qualities of my feminine essence.  For example, the experience of prettiness… I really loved feeling those beautiful qualities so clearly landmarked in my body..."

- KN, Female, San Francisco

"Working with Eduardo was the single most transformational experience in my sexual healing journey. Before our first session, I was so nervous, but I quickly realized there was nothing to be nervous about. He has a very special skill of making the experience feel safe, nurturing and very comfortable. I couldn't believe what my body was able to do during our session. He unlocked a level of pleasure in me that I had been seeking for years. I highly recommend working with Eduardo for anyone who wants to explore depths of femininity, self-expression, sexual healing, and pleasure."JD, Female, Encinitas

"Thank You Eduardo for a truly transformative session....From the start it was clear to me that this is a calling for you. You are truly gifted in holding sacred sexual space...I felt very much at ease right away. Your presence was grounded and welcoming...I knew instinctually...I could just be myself. I was very moved by the care you put into personalizing the space for my session. ...I knew I was entering unknown territory but I felt trust in you and my own intuition leading me to this work. I began to feel the energy of the ocean quite strongly. I  felt like...I was getting my fins and becoming a mermaid. Your touch and presence seemed to be calling out these watery energies within me. … I have never felt totally comfortable in the water for most of my life so to regain my mermaid self felt quite amazing. I found myself taping into a depth place that probably hadn't been touched in a very long time, perhaps lifetimes. I could tell that I was coming up against some filters and barriers that had held me back from full expression and although I felt some frustration and sadness about this I knew this was all part of the watery journey. The release I experience was unexpected and just what needed to happen. I felt like all of the stuck and contracted parts of my sensual self were set free and let go of. I don't think I could have come to that place if I hadn't felt so safe and held and seen by Eduardo."JG, Female, San Francisco

"Before doing the work with Eduardo, I was really unconscious when it came to my own sexuality. My frustration with my own body was an all-time high. I often was drunk when I was intimate with men and I would not be present in my body. Working with Eduardo was a huge decision for me and definitely outside of my comfort zone. But I finally got the healing that I needed. Now I have amazing, present, conscious sexuality experiences with my loving boyfriend. I am able to stay in my body and fully receive the experience."

- Female, San Diego

"If you are on the fence about working with Eduardo, please read this testimonial. I don’t believe in feeding people b.s. and don’t exaggerate the truth. I ran into Eduardo by chance, and was not at all looking for bodywork of any sort. I asked what he did, and got his card. When I got home, I looked up his website and realized so much of what his site talks about helping with was so prevalent in my life-“feeling out of sorts”, maybe “lacking confidence”, and “intimacy” issues. So I decided to give it a shot, and I am so glad I did. Being a very private person and keeping so much to myself, it was shocking how I opened up with Eduardo, and that is solely a reflection of how comfortable I felt with him. He is incredibly supportive and nonjudgemental. I am not going to tell you it was always easy and fun, because it was not. There were emotions and things that were brought up that were very difficult to talk and think about, but again, Eduardo’s supportive nature made getting through it possible. Only then was I able to change some things in my life. I could never have made these changes without Eduardo’s encouragement, and the relief I felt after these changes was unbelievable. Before my sessions with Eduardo, I had no idea the stress I was burying inside because I had never known being any other way. I know it is no coincidence that after my sessions with him, I went from bordering on “high blood pressure” to “excellent blood pressure”. I could never thank this guy enough for what he did for me. I promise you will not regret working with him. On a more personal note, I will never forget this guy. There are a handful of people in my life that I get choked up when thinking about them, and he is on that list. Not just because of what he did for me, but because you soon realize shortly after working with him, that he is one of the most sincere, compassionate, and decent people you will ever meet. He does very special work, but more importantly to me, he is a very special person. Eduardo, to steal a quote from you, “Be Well” my friend. I hope many more people get a chance to work with you and realize as I do just how lucky they were to have crossed paths with you." - ED, Bi-Male, Santa Rosa

"My experience with Caroline and Eduardo as my practitioners in ESH was incredible and profound. Caroline was so gentle yet direct with her ability to coach me through my emotions and the energy work she performed on me helped me to have a kundalini rising! Eduardo has the expertise to massage with such strength and accuracy that gets to the deepest stored and blocked emotions. The combined energy of these two powerful practitioners to create a sacred and safe place for me to unwind and let go all the way was beautiful! I have so much love and appreciation for these two to help me reach deep for my power and let it out with a big ROAR! I have new found confidence and depth within my being that is ready to be instilled into to my Purpose and Passions!! Thank you Eduardo and Caroline! Anyone who takes the leap to work with these two definitely wont regret it!!"

- Cassandra Blackmor, Female, Canada

"When I first got word I was to work with Eduardo I was nervous…. I had a hard time relaxing into the treatment in the beginning but Eduardo has such a soothing grounded even nature that it took no time at all to find my relaxed state. I had to trust myself and my intention for the healing…and once I did, I found there was much more to this treatment than just healing. I found my voice. I found my heart. I found a bit of peace that day. Not only did Eduardo hold space for me to fall apart but he grounded my spirit so that I could hear the messages given. Grateful to have had such a gentle spirit walk me through my healing and gracefully lift me up as well." - Robin, Female, San Diego

The biggest change has been feeling more joyful. On occasion, during the last month, I've even felt a sort of ecstasy/high that I haven't felt in many years. The heartache I felt at the start of the process has faded to (most of the time) barely perceptible levels. And when I've felt any hurt inside, I've been able to acknowledge it and let it pass through me. I don't feel much anger anymore (just a smidgen now and again). I've felt more liberated than ever before. I've felt more determined and looking forward to the future than I can remember feeling in such a long time. I've been conscious of my feelings for the first time. I regularly 'check in' on them and am no longer suppressing or ignoring them. For the first time in ages, I've felt a lot of curiosity about a number of different matters including, different lifestyles, sexuality and spirituality. For the first time since having children, I feel keen to learn new stuff. I have felt more motivated to start revisiting skills that I have stopped using for months or even years. I have not returned to my pre-illness levels, but it's a start. The breathing exercises have gone from being a chore to - wait for it- something I actually look forward to! I'm getting shit done, more easily than before. I definitely care less than I did before. I realized that with the online dating site. I don't feel rejected when a man doesn't like me back. His loss! I feel like I've shed so many inhibitions that I will soon need to tear up my British passport. I'm not quite there yet, but I feel I have an badass residing within me, desperate to break out completely. Oh, and I genuinely feel like a woman who enjoys sex, and at times, have sensed that I've actually been projecting that. I do not feel desperate to have sex just yet and that gives me a sense of relief because it gives me a feeling of control.” - Rosanne, CA

SSR was a powerful experience in ways that I could never imagine. I did not seek it to heal sexual or emotional traumas, nor to feel better with my body and sexuality, or to have a more pleasant, fulfilled or shameless sex life. I considered myself a very healthy and happy sexual being. Shameless, powerful, free, happy and experienced. And I also considered that I did not have traumas of any kind that seemed to be in my way. All the traumas that I imagined I had experienced were solved with psychotherapy, spiritual practices and somatic therapies. I recurred to SSR because I was suffering headaches after a concussion that was the result of a car accident that I had 7 months before. I had tried to solve this issue in many different ways, but it was persisting. Surprisingly, after each session, my headaches started to reduce their intensity and frequency significantly. And, very surprisingly, since the very first session, I found out that I was very wrong about myself. I had unsolved sexual and emotional traumas that were deeply hidden, and that needed to emerge and be expressed. I have learned that I know very well how to control, contain and hide my emotions, specially pain and anger. But I still have a lot to learn in terms of expressing these feelings more congruently. I also have found out that I still have to work on how to really honor my boundaries. SSR has opened the memories and wounds that were way too dark and deep for me to look at and heal. Each session was a rich opportunity to learn how to be stronger, more balanced, happier and more truthful to myself. I would say that it is a groundbreaking way to access profound self-knowledge and genuine change. Lastly, I need to say that SSR also brought many unexpected benefits to my sexual life. It became healthier, happier, even more pleasant, and way more meaningful. It achieved spiritual levels."Female, Brazil

"My experience with Eduardo was amazing. I’ve always longed for a body worker/healer that can hold space for me to release emotional and physical trauma. I’ve been to many different body workers for over a decade and rarely have I found someone willing and encouraging of me to release all of my “stuff “ on the table. I’ve often felt like I have to stay quiet to make the other person feel comfortable, but Eduardo helped me push through those hindrances to finally release what has been wanting to get out of me! Although I would normally feel shy to kick and scream while being worked on, I felt so incredibly safe and held in his presence to do so. Not only is he magically intuitive with physical touch and knowing the emotional and physical landscape of his client, he exudes a strong sense of safety and comfort as well, creating the perfect blend for deep healing." - CR, Female, San Diego

"Working with Eduardo has been an amazing journey into the depths of both the light and dark sides of me. I never could have imagined that such dramatic transformations could be possible.  I learnt and grew more and more under his limitless care, guidance and impeccable respect for boundaries. Every emotion under the sun came up, to the point where I became less afraid of them and could start to let them flow through me.  I have many tools and tips to take with me around boundaries, self worth and self expression as I adventure into a world of intimacy, play and connection with other bodies, hearts and souls.  I am increasingly learning to trust myself as I become more in touch with my body, my needs and my desires.  One thing (there are too many to list) that will always stay with me is, "what do we do when we don't know? We try something!"....i have a whole palette of somethings to try! This has been a saving grace for me when I get into a stuck and uncomfortable place to help my energy move again.  Thank you Eduardo, for everything!" - AW, Female, Berkeley

"Eduardo and his Somatic Sexual Repatterning therapy have a unique way of allowing a client to unwind emotionally and physically like no other therapy I have ever experienced. It is deep and completely safe in its approach and outcome. Worth a try and more than that so worthy to learn how to let go!" -  Anonymous, Female, Mill Valley

"Eduardo Bettencourt is a master hands-on bodyworker and ESH practitioner. I have experienced many body workers and was blown away by his mastery. It was perhaps the best bodywork session I have ever had. Eduardo has a way, unique in my experience, by which he conveys both his masculine and feminine sides with an astonishing balance, seemingly all the time and at the same time. Eduardo is so very present that I felt nurtured and supported at 100% throughout. That is true of all my sessions with him. As a woman over 50 committed to finally embodying my full power on all levels, I could not imagine a more supportive session than what I experienced with Eduardo." - Guilou, Female, Sebastopol, CA

"Eduardo Bettencourt is a masterful practitioner with a wide range of skills. As a bodyworker myself, I so appreciate being the hands of someone who teaches me new things and refinements, just by being worked on. His presence is very calming, even as he goes right to the points that are most challenging and in need of attention.I felt so supported in both getting deeply connected to the places that were chronically bound up, and in transforming and/or resolving the emotional pieces holding them in place. With the very high level of safety I felt, I was able to go places emotionally and physically that I have never been able to reach before - and to feel like I am done with those pieces as well is wonderful. I recommend Eduardo's work as an ESH Practitioner without reservation."

- Lanos, Male, Sonoma, CA

"I am blown away by how powerful and profound my session was with Eduardo. Within the first 10 minutes of our session, he had skillfully brought me to such a deep place. We uncovered some old patterns and childhood wounds, and with his masterful support, created deeper healing for these patterns. I particularly appreciated his deep attunement of my body-- his ability to sense for congruence and thus support my body in moving and expressing in such a way to generate optimal healing. I felt completely held, supported, and safe in Eduardo's powerful and loving presence. I feel infinitely grateful for the opportunity to work with him!"

- Juna M., Marin County

"Since I worked with you, I just let go of a very toxic friend that I have needlessly held onto for reasons of self worthlessness....Since I met you, I have ran into guides, healers, and have continuously been lulled towards that which I want most- to let go of my anger and mistrust and to revel in the intensity of an energy that was previously controlling and negative, and that I now see as an internal capacity that I must dance with- there is no defeating it- it is me, and we are one, and it is a source of power when I do not allow it to be a point of defeat. I am very grateful to you."Nikkole M., Philadelphia

"Eduardo is a genuine soul with a strong commitment to healing.  He is utterly trustworthy, clean and clear in his energy, sensitive and professional in his work. This is a great healing path to take and he is a wonderful healer to work with. I wholeheartedly recommend his work.” - Sophia C., Scotland

It is the furthest thing from sex.. but LOVED IT and craved it…it shares the same sexual energy… Slept incredibly well..….. what a crazy awesome experience.. I never ever believed the websites I read about erotic energy.. I used to just think it was a type of disguised getting off… NOT SO… its a sacred space… I really really learned to let go… This is so amazing.. Thank you for taking me to the next level.. I can hardly believe this happened still.. almost feel like I was taken by aliens…then returned…. WOW”

- Male, Oakland

“…the goal is to achieve a sense of nirvana, freedom, and of feeling inexplicably healed. Healing is difficult, but Eduardo's nuanced touch makes even the heaviest of body parts feel weightless, light as a cloud, and on top of the world. The result is a sensation in which the whole body…utmost pleasure, emanating wave upon wave of euphoria. With Eduardo constantly checking in on you, making sure that he isn't being invasive towards your temple of a body, he asserts that you are in control. You can tell him exactly when to "start" and when to "stop" so that one never feels threatened or overpowered. He makes you the master of your session, the master of your body, and the master of your journey of sexual healing with him, resulting in a truly explosive feeling of bliss, confidence, and satisfaction from within." -  Male, Virginia